What are mentors committing to?

  • Mentors are responsible for sending mentees pre-drafted text messages regarding deadlines and reminders. Mentors will be provided with a schedule of text reminders and will utilize the platform Signal Vine to communicate with mentees. It is estimated that the mentor will spend approximately one hour per month exchanging messages with mentees.

What happens if mentees respond with questions the mentor can’t answer?

  • Indy Achieves staff do not expect mentors to have all the answers to questions regarding the topics they are sending texts about. Indy Achieves staff will provide mentors with trainings and resources regarding college access topics, but staff is always available to provide mentors with additional support and guidance. Additionally, mentors can refer mentee concerns to Indy Achieves staff to assist with concerns as they arise.

What is Signal Vine?

  • Signal Vine is the technology platform that Indy Achieves has contracted to implement the two-way messaging. Signal Vine uses a Blended Messaging®, which allows automated aspects of communication while also allowing for personalized mentor responses. It is simple to use and simple to scale and has the proven ability to guide positive student behavior.

How will mentors be matched with mentees?

  • Mentors will be matched with mentees who are attending the same post-secondary institution. Additional match criteria may be based on high school, gender, and intended major/career interest.

How will mentors be trained?

  • Mentors will have the opportunity to receive training either in person or through webinar. Mentors will also receive monthly communication throughout their 9-month mentorship commitment.

What type of information will a mentor need to submit?

  • Mentorship interactions will be documented on the Signal Vine Platform. Additional reporting may be requested from mentors by the IndyAchieves team.

What happens if a mentor is not able to commit to his/her students?

  • If a mentor is unable to stay committed, please notify the contact at Indy Achieves as soon as possible. Indy achieves staff will work to reassign mentees to different mentors.

What if a student does not reply?

  • If a student does not reply, please continue to send them text messages based on the curriculum. They may be receiving and reading texts but have not encountered the need for assistance.

What happens if a student opts out?

  • Students have the option to opt out of receiving text messages at any time. If a student opts out, the Signal Vine platform will automatically remove the student from receive texts.





