youth advisory committee
EmployIndy has formed the Indy Achieves/Youth Advisory Committee to provide guidance and support of our efforts with youth and young adults as an extension of the Workforce Development Board. The Committee has been created to manage increasing high-quality postsecondary degrees and credentials within the City of Indianapolis, including financial aid programs at the K-12 and postsecondary levels, wraparound programs like mentor matching, and the execution of scholarships and grants to eligible students.
Stephanie Bothun, Ascend Indiana
Boyd Bradshaw, IUPUI
Aman Brar, Canvas
Tyler Brown, Indiana Management and Performance Hub (MPH)
Dan Clerget, Enroll Indy
Claudia Cummings, Indiana Philanthropy Alliance
Henry Fernandez, Complete College America
Mark Fisher, Indy Chamber
Lori Handy, Ivy Tech
Greg Harrel, Commission for Higher Education (CHE)
Michael James, Stonybrook Middle School (Warren Township)
DeShonne Jackson, Starbucks
Blake Johnson, IndyHub/City County Council
Jonathan Kraeszig, Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Jennifer O’Shea, Indianapolis Public Schools (IPS)
McKenze Rogers, CVR
Krista Skidmore, FlashPoint
Mike Slocum, Indiana INTERNnet
Tina Sullivan, Sullivan Strategies
Matt Impink, EmployIndy (EmployIndy)
Marie Mackintosh, EmployIndy (EmployIndy)
Yecenia Tostado (EmployIndy)